Computer Vision Syndrome FAQs

Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS, can occur due to extended use of digital screens, leading to eye strain, headaches, and dry eyes. To reduce the effects of CVS, it's important to take regular breaks and ensure proper screen positioning. Before you visit The Eye Doctor Unlimited in College Park, GA, for care, take a look at some frequently asked questions about Computer Vision Syndrome below:

Computer Vision Syndrome FAQs

What Causes CVS?

Computer Strain Syndrome, or CVS, can be caused by excessive exposure to digital screens over a period of time. Poor lighting, glares, and even poor posture can all contribute to the symptoms of CVS.

What Are the Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer vision syndrome can lead to a variety of symptoms, including:

•             Eye strain

•             Dry eyes

•             Blurry vision

•             Double vision

•             Watery eyes

•             Difficulty focusing

•             Neck and shoulder pain

What Are Some Common Risk Factors Linked to Computer Vision Syndrome?

There are various risk factors linked to Computer Vision Syndrome, such as prolonged screen time and poor lighting. Some other risk factors include the following:

•             Screen glare

•             Improper viewing distance

•             Uncorrected vision problems

•             Lack of regular breaks

•             Use of digital devices without blue light filters

•             Existing eye conditions, such as dry eye syndrome

What Are Some Ways to Prevent or Minimize the Symptoms of CVS?

Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) involves several simple practices. Take regular breaks using the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Along with that, make sure your screen is positioned at an appropriate distance and angle, and adjust your lighting to minimize glare. Using blue light filters on devices and maintaining proper posture can also help reduce the risk of developing CVS.

Finding a Trusted Optometrist Near You in College Park, GA

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome, our team at The Eye Doctor Unlimited in College Park, GA, is happy to help. To learn more about our treatments or to schedule your appointment, contact us at (404) 768-3500 today. When you need an optometrist near you, we are ready to assist!

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